Kings Have No Mercy

An Enemies to Lovers MC romance
Steel Kings Motorcycle Club - book 1

If you’re looking for Mercy, then you’re in the wrong place. 

There’s an unspoken rule everybody knows:

Never cross a King… and damn sure don’t expect mercy when you do.

It’s been that way ever since the motorcycle club took over the town.

But some rules are worth breaking.

The Steel Kings think they can go around ruining lives.

This time, they won’t get away with it.

I’ve got a plan to finally make them pay. There’s just one problem.

He comes wrapped in tattooed skin with a heated stare that burns through me.

The only one who sees me for the liar that I am.

His name’s Mason Cutler, and he’s out to destroy me.

Kings Don't Break

Friends to Lovers MC romance
Steel Kings Motorcycle Club - book 2

The worst thing you can do is fall in love with your best friend.

I learned that lesson the hard way.

Ten years ago, I walked away from Blake Cash with a broken heart.

Now I’m back in town, forced to endure his perfect smile and sparkling blue eyes.

The familiar husky sound of his laugh and the way he’ll always feel like home.

Yet, no matter how much I want him, we can never be together.

I signed my life away the moment I married another man.

Life’s been nothing but a cruel punishment ever since.

When it finally becomes too much, Blake is ready to catch my fall.

But my ex refuses to go down without a fight.

And the price to be paid just might be too steep.


Kings Fear No One

A Dark Forced Marriage  MC Romance
Steel Kings Motorcycle Club - book 3

My life changed forever the day I was taken...

I was a happy woman once, who believed in the good of people.

But then I saw how dark and ugly they could be.

I learned of the things they can take from others... from me...

Once I'm saved, you'd think I'd put the traumatic past behind me.

Instead, I'm left with wounds that won't seem to heal.

And a husband I never asked for.

Logan Cutler's as messed up from our ordeal as I am.

We can't stand each other, yet we're bound by vows we never meant.

While I seek to numb the pain, he seeks to destroy it—and everybody who wronged us.

The problem is, our enemies are stronger than ever.

And they intend on finishing what they started.